外媒報導My media coverage at Breaking Convention



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我昨天參加了 Marina Li Chun 的講座,她在演講開始時放映了一張她神聖的相思樹的照片,然後吟唱將我們與她的樹聯繫起來。她向我們介紹了她的植物醫學之旅、她的台灣傳承以及她從她的相思樹和她稱之為“誰”的其他樹中得到的指導。她低調而真誠。




今天我們喝的是一棵1000年樹齡的普洱茶。茶經過發酵並陳化了 超過10 年。它既稀有又昂貴是天然寶藏。



她要求我們用我們所有的感官將茶和它來自的 1000 年古樹聯繫起來。





麗純告訴我們,我們要用我們喝過的茶結合舞踏來模擬 DMT 體驗,經歷我們自己的死亡和重生。
















YouTube 頻道「巫裔.巫藝」https://youtu.be/86mAk43ST6w


9/24 誕生你的薩滿鼓(薩滿鼓手作)
9/30-10/1 初階入門:薩滿鼓的旅程與儀式
10/7-8 進階:薩滿療癒與靈魂碎片回歸術
10/9-10 進階:時間與夢工作
11/11-12 進階:自然與泛靈(何仙姑上課)
11/18-19 進階:死亡與祖靈
報名傳送門: http://bit.ly/3kvLVxc

Li Chun, Tea and Butoh

I am stood with a group of people waiting to take part in a tea and Butoh ritual with Li Chun Marina Lin.

I attended Marina Li Chun’s lecture yesterday where she began her presentation by projecting a photograph of her sacred Acacia Tree and then chanted to connect us with her tree. She took us through her journey with plant medicine, her Taiwanese heritage and the guidance she has received from her Acacia tree and other trees that she refers to as who’s. She is understated and genuine.

Li Chun © Bex Phillips
We enter the room and Li Chun is sat on the floor in a plain mustard jumper with the tea and tea cups laid out in front of her. We are asked to remove our shoes and help ourselves to a cushion and find a seat on the floor.

Before we take the tea Li Chun gives us some context and shares some of the culture of tea. We learn about Shujun, the Chinese god of agriculture who is believed to have discovered tea. In legend he has a clear stomach so he can see what plants do to his insides as he digests them, and which organs of the body the plants heal or harm. We also look at the Chinese character for tea, ‘Cha’, how the top part of the character represents the grass, the middle part the people and the bottom part the trees.

Now we understand some of the heritage we begin to take the tea.

Today we are drinking Pu Erh tea from a 1000 year old tea tree. The tea is fermented and has been aged for 10 years. It is rare and expensive. A natural treasure.

Li Chun cuts the tea from a cake, a large black solid brick of tea, with a tea knife. Small tea pots and cups are used to brew and serve the tea. Li Chun calmly and purposefully pours and brews the tea. We each take one of the small cups filled with the hot tea.

‘We are going to expand time’ she says quietly ‘using the tea.’

She asks us to connect with the tea and the 1000 year old tree it came from with all of our senses.

Li Chun – tea ceremony © Bex Phillips
The tea smells earthy.

It is hot and grounding.

I begin to feel calm and warm.

After a few rounds of the tea the room seems calmer. We are now told about Butoh, also known as the dance of darkness, a recently modern Japanese tradition, born from the atrocities of war and a dance form which requires the dancer to let go of themselves and their ego, to become an empty husk to enable them to receive surrounding spirits. As Li Chun explains Butoh, a video plays in the background of a Butoh dancer in a trance-like state. Eyes glazed and empty.

Li Chun tells us we are going to use the tea we have drunk in combination with Butoh to simulate a DMT experience, living through our own death and rebirth.

‘Is everyone OK with that?’ she asks calmly.

The room is quiet in agreement and the ritual begins.

Li Chun’s quiet and reassuring voice guides us through this moving meditation. I close my eyes and let myself be taken, my body twists and contorts slowly.

To begin with I can feel other bodies moving slowly around me. Eventually they disappear.

I feel unseen energy pulling me, the feeling of bright lights warm my face and the darkest deepest holes of despair open beneath me.

We are asked to question the good and the bad in ourselves, the light and the dark, our very existence, our place amongst everything.

We are guided back into the room. As I slowly blink my eyes open I see people are wiping away tears. There were painful tears and also tears of joy.

Li Chun – tea ceremony © Bex Phillips
We are re-born

I feel calm



yet enlivened.

everything is sloooooooooower

‘Did time expand for you?’ asks Li Chun

We all leave the room, different people to when we walked in.

Breaking Convention | finding ways to make a real difference